Heart Clinic / Peadiatric Cardiology
Sleep clinic
Respiratory clinic / asthma
Allergy and Immunology / allergy testing
Paediatric Neurology
Skin problems / eczema
Newborn & infants
General paediatrics
Developmental and behavioural paediatrics
Other services
Allergy & Immunology clinic
Allergies are amongst the most common medical problems in children. They can take different forms affecting the skin, airways, intestine. They can also cause severe life-threatening reactions called anaphylaxis.
Our Allergy/Immunology specialist will:
Perform a comprehensive diagnostic assessment, skin allergy testing and food challenges.
Prepare a comprehensive individualised management plan and specialised treatment, that may include diet, medications, Epipen prescription/training and immunotherapy.
You can see our specialist if you have concerns regarding your child’s:
Hay fever/allergic rhinitis that is difficult to manage
Food allergies and intolerances
Food protein induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES), eosinophilic oesophagitis (EoE).
Recurrent infections and suspected immune deficiency
Recurrent Fever and suspected autoimmune conditions including arthritis etc.
Our allergist will also see adolescents and young adults with chronic allergic rhinitis/hay fever for testing and immunotherapy.